
open class VoiceClient(baseUrl: String, transport: TransportFactory, callbacks: VoiceEventCallbacks, options: VoiceClientOptions = VoiceClientOptions())

An RTVI client. Connects to an RTVI backend and handles bidirectional audio and video streaming.

The client must be cleaned up using the release method when it is no longer required.



URL of the RTVI backend.


Transport for media streaming.


Callbacks invoked when changes occur in the voice session.


Additional options for configuring the client and backend.


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constructor(baseUrl: String, transport: TransportFactory, callbacks: VoiceEventCallbacks, options: VoiceClientOptions = VoiceClientOptions())


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object Companion


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Returns true if the camera is enabled, false otherwise.

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Returns true if the microphone is enabled, false otherwise.

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Returns the selected video input device.

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Returns the selected audio input device.

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The current state of the session.

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The thread used by the VoiceClient for callbacks and other operations.

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Returns a list of participant media tracks.


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fun action(service: String, action: String, arguments: List<Option> = emptyList()): Future<Value, VoiceError>

Instruct a backend service to perform an action.

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Returns a list of supported actions.

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Returns the expected structure of the server config.

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Disconnect an active RTVI session.

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Enables or disables the video input device.

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Enables or disables the audio input device.

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Returns a list of available video input devices.

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Returns a list of available audio input devices.

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Gets the current config from the server.

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Initialize local media devices such as camera and microphone.

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fun <E : VoiceClientHelper> registerHelper(service: String, helper: E): E

Registers a new helper with the client.

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fun release()

Destroys this VoiceClient and cleans up any allocated resources.

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Directly send a message to the bot via the transport.

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Initiate an RTVI session, connecting to the backend.

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fun unregisterHelper(service: String)

Unregisters a helper from the client.

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Use the specified video input device.

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Updates the config on the server.

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Use the specified audio input device.